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- From: Georgek_innotts_Co_Uk@gifl.com (Georgek@innotts.Co.Uk)
- Date: 30 Jun 96 22:18:00
- Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo
- Subject: Pictur Of Vortex U.F.O. Above Larnaca Cyprus (Original)
- Message-ID: <576_9607050938@gifl.com>
- Organization: Skylink: The GIFfer Skylink * Tampa Bay's Internet<->Fido Gatewa
- Lines: 34
- From: georgek@innotts.co.uk (George Kanigowski)
- Subject: Pictur Of Vortex U.F.O. Above Larnaca Cyprus (Original)
- I have some truly remarkable photographs, whichbreak the rules in photography
- and allow a view into another realm. One of my pictures is an aerial
- view over Larnaca Bay in Cyprus taken from an altitude of 100-150 miles.
- The picture shows a vortex type Unidentified Flying Object caught in the
- sunlight.
- There is NO record of this picture anywhere on earth. Admittedly; the picture
- is not as clear on 'The Net' as I would like it to be. Nevertheless; how could
- this be taken ?
- The picture can be proven genuine. The fact that this is so, constitutes proof
- that whoever took it or produced it, are giving these space agencies a run for
- their money !
- http://www.innotts.co.uk~georgek
- Georgek
- --
- |Fidonet: Georgek@innotts.Co.Uk 1:377/51.1
- |Internet: Georgek_innotts_Co_Uk@gifl.com
- |
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